Year End Assembly and Grade 5 Recognition Ceremony Remarks

Did you miss the year end assembly today?  Read Ms. Ottenbreit’s remarks below:


Let me begin by thanking all of you for coming to today’s event. I am Sue Ottenbreit and I am principal here at Cloverdale School. We are here to celebrate the end of a very successful Cloverdale school year. It has been full of wonderful events that included cultural and fine arts activities, sporting activities, fun and celebratory days, and a great deal of hard work. I would like to thank all our wonderful staff for helping these children succeed. Thank you for always caring and making these students your priority. You have kept your students engaged and motivated to learn. I would also like to thank our amazing PAC members who work tirelessly on behalf of Cloverdale students.

At this time I would like to invite a few members of staff to join me at the front; those moving on to new places:

Emily Barchyn, Emma Tennant, Erin Fletcher, Ayesha Evans, Carlene Nex, Sabrina Sekha, Erika Sager, and of course our amazing Vice Principal, Mrs. Deanna Reid.

I want to thank all of you for everything you have done for our students. Your dedication to education and learning is astounding. You have each brought your unique gifts and skill sets. Our children have benefitted from the presence of each of you. As a collective you have taught our students how to be the best they can be.

It is not always easy to say farewell. You have been an integral part of the learning for all of us. You have helped us to be people of values and intellect. We will truly miss you all.

A round of applause.

To our grade 5 students:

I am very pleased to speak on this special day. It is extraordinary for the grade 5s who are leaving us, for their proud parents and family members and for their teachers as well.

Today is one of those great occasions when we get to celebrate our young people. We are able to reflect on their accomplishments, their determination and their successes as they grow. As a parent or mentor, it is time to know that the children we care about are doing well and are on the right path.

Grade 5 students, I know on the one hand you feel enthusiastic and excited as you get ready to step into life at a new school, while on the other hand you might feel sad that you are departing Cloverdale, and a little nervous as you look forward to your new experiences at middle school. I want you to know that if you continue to follow the path you have begun here at Cloverdale, it will lead to continued success. Wherever the future leads you, we will all be watching and cheering you on. There are great things coming. We teachers and staff have seen you grow into thoughtful, responsible, considerate and caring leaders.

You are ready for the next step. Take a chance and dedicate yourself to making next year even better. Invest in yourself by studying hard. I see the potential in all of you and believe you can make your dreams come true.

The time has come to bid you farewell. I believe we have provided you with the necessary tools to continue your growth and progress. Dream big, you are capable of achieving your life ambitions and contributing to this incredible world.

Congratulations to all the grade fives, we are all proud of you and hope all your dreams come true. Thank you for being part of our Cloverdale community.