Welcome Back Cloverdale Families!

Hello Cloverdale Families,

Happy September!  We are excited to welcome everyone back to school. We hope you had a wonderful summer.

A few reminders for the first few days of school for new grade 1 to grade 5 students.  (Kindergarten families, please follow the instructions you received in July).

September 6th, 2022 students are in session from 9:00 a.m. – 11:30 a.m. Please bring a recess snack. We ask that you do not bring your school supplies on the first day. When the bell rings at 9:00am, students will line up outside at their same spot as last school year. New students will meet at the front of the school. Teachers will greet students outside and bring them inside. At 11:30 am, students will be dismissed and parents can meet children outside at the same point as drop off.

September 7th, 2021, is a full day of school. Please ensure your student has a lunch, a recess snack,  and a pencil. Students will not need all of their school supplies until they are in their new classes. Our regular school day will be 8:45am-2:37pm.

We do not yet know which day we will move to our new classes.  We will email parents the night before we move to let you know that we will be moving the next morning and to tell you the division number your child(ren) will be looking for when they arrive for their morning line up.  Please diligently monitor your emails.  The morning of the day that we move classes support staff will be on hand to help students find the correct line for their new classes. Please send school supplies this day.

Parking will be at a premium.  Please do not park in Thrifty Foods’ parking lot.  There are only a few spots on Linwood.  Please consider biking, or parking a few blocks away from the school and walking.

Pack in/Pack Out
As part of the overall health and safety plans for schools, we will be asking students and staff to take home all items they have brought with them to school for lunch or snack. This includes garbage and compost.

Please make sure your child is able to independently open all food containers and packages that are sent to school.

School Supplies
For those who ordered through Monks, the PAC group will send details about pickup. The supply lists are on our school website.  See the lists here:  https://cloverdale.sd61.bc.ca/parent-info/school-supplies/

Indoor shoes
We appreciate it if you are able to send a pair of clean shoes to stay at school for use during the day. They need not be new, but should have non-marking soles, be clean and correctly fitting. This helps our custodians keep our building clean, especially when the weather turns, and protects our gym floor.  Please make sure they are labelled with your child’s name.  Indoor shoes should be brought at the same time as school supplies (when we move to new classrooms).

We are truly looking forward to our year together and know with everyone working together as a team, we can make this a great learning experience. If you have questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out.


Sue Ottenbreit and Barb Sapsford

Principal                    Vice Principal